The “Who’s of Evangelism”

04 Apr

Who Should Go, Who Should Hear, Who Saves?

This summer my family and I went on a two week mission trip in Romania. I saw just how much you have to give up to be a long-term missionary, and how badly a lot of people want to understand the Bible and understand God. Jesus said in the Great Commission to “go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” It’s the Christians duty to be, in effect, a missionary. Today, I’m going to be talking about the “who”s of evangelism.

The Who's of Evangelism


First of all, “who” needs to evangelize? Luke 19:10 states, “For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” (NKJV) Evangelism was Jesus’ mission, and it should be ours as well. But you don’t have to be a Bible scholar to evangelize; Peter and Andrew were fishermen, and Matthew was a tax collector. These men didn’t spend years studying Old Testament prophesies, as the Apostle Paul later did, yet they were “fishers of men.” All you need to win souls is the Gospel.

Secondly, “who” needs to hear? This could also be worded, “To whom do we preach?” Acts 2:39 says, “For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off.” (emph. added) Also look at the book of 1 Timothy, chapter 2, verses 3 and 4: “for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (emph. added) God wants people to be saved, regardless of skin color, social standing, ethnicity, income, or even past sins. But the missionary doesn’t have to move to another country to reach all the people God wants him/her to. God wants you to evangelize in your own world, no matter where on the globe that world happens to be.

Thirdly, “who” saves? Who saves peoples’ souls? You probably already know the answer, that, as in John 4:42, the Christ is the Savior of the world. But part of effective evangelism is telling people that Jesus is not a savior, but the savior. We read in Acts 4:11-12 that Jesus is the “ ‘stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone.’ Nor is there salvation in any other.” (emph. added) We must clearly tell people that they—and we—have to be careful to do exactly as Jesus says. Our salvation depends on it.

I’m going to step off the beaten path for this last point. “How” do I evangelize? I’ve often thought, “I don’t need to tell her about Jesus, I’m just a kid,” or “How do I even start?” Well, I’ve learned that kids can evangelize just as well as adults can.

Who Should Go, Who Should Hear, Who Saves?

What to Keep in Mind When Evangelizing

  1. It doesn’t matter if you’re ridiculed. Paul says in Romans 1:16 that he was not ashamed of the Gospel. We shouldn’t be either. “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both body and soul in hell.” (Matthew 10:28)
  2. If just starting a conversation about Jesus seems awkward to you, there are lots of other ways. Invite them to church, invite them to a seminar, or just tell them how you feel about Jesus and wait for their response. All of these tactics have worked for me at different times.
  3. Be prepared. Keep a Bible in your backpack, and keep a list of verses that correspond to modern issues that might come up in conversation, such as baptism, salvation, instrumental music, or homosexuality.
  4. Let them know you care. People will be more likely to listen to what you have to say if they see you aren’t just checking them off a list; you truly care about their soul.

In conclusion, “who” needs to preach? All Christians must follow Jesus’ perfect example and evangelize. “Who” needs to hear? We should teach all men the Gospel. “Who” saves? It’s by following God’s commands, and only God’s, that we are saved. “How” do we evangelize? Be prepared, show you care, never be ashamed of your faith, and invite them to church. A man once said, “If you have a Christian, you have a missionary. If you have a non-Christian, you have a mission field.” Be an evangelist in your own sphere of influence. My sphere happened to widen a bit this summer, and I feel blessed to have been able to follow the commands of Jesus.

                                                         Me in black

My name is Jewell Holland.

I am fourteen years old and homeschooled. Writing novels is my passion, and I want to be a successful novelist when I become an adult. I plan on having a professional career in some sort of science field, but I’m not entirely sure yet. I love to sing and read (and write, of course), and I feel so blessed to have such a supportive family as I do. I am addicted to tiramisu, I love the word “pumpkin,” and I have been planning my wedding since I was eleven. I  live in Swartz Creek, MI, where my dad is the minister. Please check out my blog,

Posted by Team Members Sharla and Renee.


Posted by on April 4, 2014 in Christian, Guest Post


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2 responses to “The “Who’s of Evangelism”

  1. leowoodman

    April 4, 2014 at 10:19 am

    Reblogged this on Leo Woodman and commented:
    This young lady gets it.

  2. Shirley Newton

    April 4, 2014 at 4:17 pm

    Jewell, Great job on your article. I like the point you stated about having a readily available note referencing scriptures . I’ve done that in the back of my Bible but also want to do that to carry in my purse.
    Thank you.


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